WellCraft Health for Business provides our local businesses a more flexible and lower cost non insurance health care option for their employees wellbeing. Through a consultative process, WellCraft Health will meet with the small business owner or corporate benefits manager to discuss it’s business, and its employee hiring and retention objectives. We discuss types of jobs, the special needs and challenges of the business, work related costs, and other factors adversely affecting the business when an employee is sick, injured, or absent from their scheduled duties. From there we craft a custom health solution for their business, and tailor it to meet achievable objectives.
Like WellCraft Health, we feature easy appointments and more appointment time for their employees. Unlike WellCraft Health, we will be using a team of physicians and one or more advanced practitioners, working WITH direct physician supervision. The net result will be better and more responsive medical care for a company’s employees, at a lower monthly cost.
Discussion of other features, and future growth plans are limited to prospective onsite client conversations only.